Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon solve the water shortage in the body and aids diuretic.


Watermelon is because it contains the components of potassium, Citrine.
Citrine, a relative of the component amino acids improve the function of the kidney.
To eat watermelon more efficient to make the watermelon extract.
How to make a watermelon extract is simple.
Watermelon extract is completed if a low boiling for 30 minutes.


Patients with diabetes or kidney disease unless anyone can enjoy watermelon extract.

[Oriental languages :: Korean language]

수박의 효능

수박은 신체의 수분 부족을 해결하고 이뇨작용을 돕는다.
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시트린 성분은 아미노산의 일종인데 신장의 기능을 좋게 한다.
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수박엑기스를 만드는 방법은 간단하다.
수박을 30분 정도 끓이면서 저어주면 된다.

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